Host WordPress Podcast

How to Become a Host for Our Podcast in Your Language

If you’re passionate about WordPress and want to help bring our podcast to more languages, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become one of our hosts.


  1. Language Proficiency: You need to be fluent in the language you want to translate into.
  2. Knowledge of Spanish or English: You should understand Spanish or English, since our base texts are in these languages.
  3. Time Commitment: Approximately 1 hour per week.
  4. Equipment: A good quality microphone for recording your voice.


  • Produce an audio track with only your voice.
  • Provide the final translated text in your chosen language.


  1. Text Publication:
    • Every Saturday morning (around 11:00 UTC), we publish the text files in Spanish and English on GitHub.
    • The texts are in Markdown format to facilitate their use.
  2. Translation and Recording:
    • Once the documents are published, you can start the translation and recording process.
    • Most of our collaborators complete this task between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning.
  3. Audio Submission:
    • On Monday afternoon, between 6 and 12 hours before 00:00 UTC on Tuesday, we collect all the audio files.
    • We handle the post-production and scheduling so that all episodes are published on podcast platforms.

What If You Can’t Meet the Deadline?

  • Don’t worry. While our goal is to publish on Tuesdays at 00:00 UTC, we understand that things can come up. In such cases, we can adjust the publication throughout the week.


If you’re interested in joining our team of hosts, you can reach out to us through the following channels:

We look forward to having you help grow our community and bring WordPress to more people around the world!